Remember, the only dumb question is one that is not asked.

Q. How much does it cost?
A. This is probably the most frequently asked question, and rightfully so. You have enough expenses during the the process and now you have to pay for an inspection. The actual cost of your inspection will vary, depending on the size (sq.ft) of the home and the various components that need to be examined.

Q. Why is your price higher than some.
A. This comes up a lot as well. You should measure the value and quality of your inspection. Great quality always comes at a higher cost. Nspect typically performs one inspection per day. That allows the focus to be on your house, and allows the necessary time to spend in the home to provide you with a high quality inspection and experience. If you are looking for the lowest price inspection, remember you get what you pay for.

Q. How long does an inspection take?
A. The length of a home inspection can vary greatly. Inspections can take from 3 hours and up. The condition of the home, the questions you have, distractions, pets in the house, accessibility of systems can all factor in to how long we are there. Typically, 3-4 hours is a good average. However, it is your inspection, and it is your money. We will be in the house until you are satisfied, all questions asked and answered and you have a great understanding of the house you are buying. There is no additional cost based on time, no matter how long it takes.


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